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Friday, April 18, 2014


Late Rev. Dr. K. K . Koshy  passed away on 13.03.2014. It was an accident. Just as he had stepped on to a stationery bus at Peroorkada , Thiruvananathapuram the driver had put the vehicle into motion. The hapless Achen was thrown off. A severe head injury made Achen breathe his last in two hours.

Though the Government can make doors mandatory for buses, the vehicles ply on the roads without doors. Nobody is interested in the welfare of poor passengers throughout the State. The tragedy will occur again and again.

Late Rev. Dr. K. K . Koshy had reveled in helping people in need. Roy Daniel must have been one of the beneficiaries. Roy is the Gardener at the Church where Koshy Achen had led the worship for decades.
Achen’s funeral was on 18.03.2014. The Church had never witnessed such a huge crowd of mourners before.

Roy Daniel had attended the funeral though he was unwell. He had fallen off from atop the common vault while on a cleaning assignment a couple of days earlier. It was a dangerous fall. It had incapacitated him. He could not attend to his duties. It was with great difficulty he had presented himself at the Church to attend the funeral of Koshy Achen. He simply could not walk.

A member of the Church had dropped Roy at his residence. The condition of the house was appalling. The house stands on a two cent’s property with life interest of his mother who had earlier worked for Karali Nursery School. Roy, his wife, their daughter and his mother reside there. The house has a small open verandha or portico, one room and a kitchen. A kutcha toilet is located outside the building. There is no bathroom. They bathe in the open near a well in the adjacent property. The property belongs to Roy’s married sister who is employed abroad. When he was queried as to what they would do if his sister alienated the property that would prohibit them from using the well Roy was very positive. He said they would find some other way to carry on with their lives.

The house is in need of demolition. It has to be rebuilt with basic amenities. It is sad that an employee of the Church that provides assistance over a broad spectrum of the needy resides in such grueling and appalling conditions.

Roy’s wife is a diabetic. She had discontinued her education when she had failed in her twelfth standard or plus two examination. The child is smart. Roy educates her in the local Seventh day Adventists school. According to him he is no position to send her to a good school.

Christian fellowship includes visiting the needy. It is not certain if anyone from the Church had ever visited Roy’s place. If a few have done it, it is well and good. If not, it is high time the Church evolves a policy whereby a visit to the residences of the employees of the Church by the officials or representatives of the Church at least once a year is made mandatory. 

What Roy Daniel needs:-

1.       The expenses – medical – has to be taken care of by the Church. The accident occurred while on duty.
2.       The education of the girl child has to be taken care of.

3.       Roy’s wife – a smart young woman – has to be encouraged to develop her skills to find employment.

4.       The house has to be rebuilt.

Striving for financial and emotional inclusion that accomplishes upliftment of the downtrodden is the mission of the Church. Jesus Christ had come into the world to show the way. It is for the Church to follow in His footsteps.

Roy’s resolve to pay last respect to Koshy Achen has brought his plight to the members of the Church. 

Late Rev.Dr.K.K.Koshy lives on  with missionary zeal.

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