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Monday, June 22, 2020

Academics generate scholars. Scholars build the society.

Quoting from 
The Hindu 22 June 2020 Page 5

Recommendations of expert committee on Higher Education in Kerala

Summing up:

1. Upgradation of institutional facilities to encourage research based academic writing and critical reading of texts.

2. Hone the reading - writing skills of students.

3.Reshape pedagogical practices to ensure both teachers and students are co- learners, rather than mere recipients and providers of knowledge.

3. Reengineer the current scenario where teachers' employment is the sole purpose of running higher education institutions.

4.Reduce the overbearing focus on examinations.

5. Evaluate students on the basis of creative learning.

6. Emphasise the development of soft skills.

7. Needs holistic thrust on emerging fields of study

8. Focus on a paradigm shift to research based learning .

The gist as I see is, the maxim, learning by rot, is to be cast overboard.

The intelligence and the extraordinary capabilities of the students have to be recognised and encouraged to play the prime part in their acquisition of knowlege.

The role of the teachers is to assist them in their quest.

The teachers have to excel. They have to constantly keep on learning, upgrading and reorienting themselves to stay relevant.

Teachers are reincarnation of the Gods to the students. They believe teachers can never go wrong. Students assimilate the mannerisms and the pronunciations of the teachers. They carry it on into successive generations.

The challenge on the teachers is at once onerous and enormous.

The teachers must desist from decimating the students who dare to raise WHY and HOW.

Encourage them tò enlarge their horizon and fill the gaps in their build up.

Academics generate scholars. Scholars build the society.