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Saturday, October 16, 2010



(Developing backward areas is not the job of the Government alone. The people can take up development programmes in a simple manner. A blueprint by ABRAHAM JACOB

Thembamood is fascinating place. The area east of M.C Road is a vast expanse of undeveloped or underdeveloped land. The potential is unlimited. But little seems to have been done for its progress.

The people here are mostly illiterate or semi-literate. The difficult terrain inhibits people from seeking education, let alone higher education. The few schools here offer education upto SSLC. Dropouts are legion. After acquiring little education the people migrate. Unfortunately the inadequacy in qualification forces them to go for menial jobs. They toil hard, but the income they generate is meager, just enough for sustenance.

How do we improve the scenario?

Dr. Mahatir Mohammed, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, found that his country was doomed to remain poor. He turned a few sheets of history. He found that the phenomenal growth of Germany and USA was due to the wide roads – the autobahn in Germany is a showpiece even today. Mahatir initiated historic steps. Today, Malaysia is different.


We have to emulate the great. Let us have four lane roads with four-lane traffic. Develop the roads east of M.C Road to Ndumangad to such a specification. This can be done on a build operate, transfer (BOT) basis. Let the people who use the roads pay the toll till the cost is realized. Let the people whose property appreciates in value pay for the roads. The investment can be recovered within a short time.

It is time that we stopped sending out brilliant citizens as labourers. They must go out as brilliant technical personnel and rub shoulders with the best in the world.

Pullampara Panchayat can take the lead. It must set up technical institutions within the Panchayat – Engineering College, Polytechnic, Nursing College, Medical College and a higher – grade college exclusively for courses such as Computer Science, Biotechnology, Agriculture etc.

Resources cause the major headache. Where do we have the money? The best option is to go for an apolitical body similar to the NDDB of Anand in Gujarat – a Co- operative for the comprehensive development of the place. The head load workers, tappers, traders, planters, landlords and NRIs would be the share holders. Each can take shares according to his/her financial capacity.

Huge amounts can be collected from abroad in large dozes. Even if on an average, the remittance is pegged at Rs.30000.00 per day, per year the money that comes in is an astronomical sum of Rs.90,00,000.00 plus. This is a very conservative estimate. If the sources are duly exploited, crores and crores could be collected. The money has not been put to use creatively.

Dreams take a man to the impossible. We must have dreams. We must transform the dreams to reality.

Addendum on 16th October 2010
Expansion of infrastructure ensures establishment of large industries in any locality. Educational institutions of higher learning ensure supply of man power required by the industries. Other southern states in India , Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka realised this well. They had set up educational institutions of higher learning across the states liberally right since independence. See where they are now and what they have achieved.

Thembamood is a village on the outskirts of Trivandrum. I had worked there during 1996 – 1999. I really liked the villagers. They were simple souls. I wanted to do something to better the lives of the people. I knew I could do nothing on my own. I had discussed the ideas I have put forth here with a few representatives of the people. They expressed their helplessness as the prevalent top down system gave them no leeway whatsoever to go for dynamic initiatives. As I was leaving Thembamood after my tenure there, I wrote down the ideas expressed and had sent it to ‘The Hindu’. I never believed it would be accepted for publication in the news paper. To my surprise I found that it was published in ‘Metro’ on 31.01.2000. Nothing came of the blue print for development. Though I had forwarded a copy of the article to a few people who mattered it was never even acknowledged.

Development probably has to seep down from the top down structure and Thembamood occupied the least priority in the developmental concerns of the state and the authorities. Thembamood remains where it had always been that is at the bottom of the pyramid.

There has been a whiff of development in the neighbouring Panchayats. An Engineering college, a Dental College and two Medical Colleges have been set up in the private sector. There is the University Institute of Technology set up by Kerala University. These are not enough. People are supreme in a democracy. The much neglected interior of Trivandrum cries for development. All round development of a region relieves pressure on other developed areas of the state.

Kerala is now looking for avenues to develop Vizhinjam port. There has to be a people’s movement. The company to set up the port can sell shares to the common man across the state at rates affordable to the common man. The money is available in Kerala. It can be done. Malayalam Communications had done exactly this once. We can do this repeatedly to find resources to make Kerala a better place.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


There, the light shone
It was dark
The rain came down
The young lad tread
He was lonely
All the time
Afraid of the dark
Yet he trode

The roads were slushy

Pot-holes abounded
Pieces of rock
Strewn around.

Was it the dogs
Or the snakes
Or the animals
He feared most
He was afraid
Of the dark
Pitch black
The lad was lean
Twelve years

There was no one
At home to keep
Him company

The mother at home
So sweet and loving
Awaited anxiously
The apple of her eye

The rains beat against
The roof and the windows
Lightning and thunder
In quick succession

She peered out
She was alone at the house
Flash floods instilled
Fear in her

The light shone all the time
To seek out the lad
To show him the way
Tell him his mother
Waited for him

The wind swept wild
The trees swayed
The river in spate
The boulders invisible
Yet invincible
The foam flew on
The road high above
The boy drenched

There was mist
He couldn’t see ahead
A lad of his age ought
Not to have been on
The road at that hour

He had set out
When the Sun was around
A bright sunny day
It was three miles
He loved to read
The library opened its’ doors late
Planters’ library
A big crowd assembled
The exchange cumbersome
It took long

The lights went off
Night, darkest ever
Abrupt the rain lashed
The lad set off for home
The books held close
Wind tried its best
To sweep the umbrella
The boy strained to keep
The books dry

Books meant a lot to him
A loner,
No companions, he had
Found solace in his books
An open window to the world
Where a stranger
He remained.

Learning by rot, detested he
Anathema a life structured

It poured amidst
The dance of fire and thunder
The tall peak in silhouette
The green bushes
Bed softest ever
Angry falls in numbers
On the slopes
The swaying trees
Tall and mighty
Indeed scary

Trout sought haven
In vain
The water rolled on
Vehemence imbibed.

Pity the one in the open
Face the fury

Lo! The beacon
Not far, he urged
The spirit sagging

There were tears in her eyes
Of joy
She held him in embrace
Him she loved most

The flashes lingered
Thunder, the worst
The downpour submerged
All in wake

The mother and the son
In the warmth of the shelter
