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Sunday, August 9, 2020


 Actually I don't know what to pray for.
 God will bless you all 
 It is tough to go through all this now, but we have no choice.
 You said it. 
Most inconvenient time for illnesses to strike.
You know very well except in Okinawa Japan and a few other pockets in the world no one lives upto 120 years.
Just as there is a time to begin, there is a time for the end. When? No one has any idea. 
When it is your dear ones you don't even want to let them go. But,go, they must. The pain is acute.

One thing we can always ensure. They have a good and comfortable life till the very end. Painless is our wish.  Money doesn't matter. Inconsequential. 

Lila has the toughest phase ever in her life. She's not growing young either. We support her to the utmost. Not enough we know. 

Prayer is the sole solace. Man needs at least a straw to hold on to.

Ammachi is comparatively better. But the invalid status must be demeaning for a woman of her calibre, strong willed and self made as she is.

Corona does its best to aggravate and compound the problems we have. It depresses and debilitates the individual. Lethargy steps in. 

From another angle it's quite funny.There's humour too.

I am sending two photos of Lila. Casual.

Lila fires me for sending the two photos.  I said I had sent them to very few who I felt think well of us. 
Assured I'll ask them all to delete the photos if she detests my well meant but to her very unbecoming and  untoward  action. Have to buy peace. She keeps a silence, but silence is much  more than eloquent.
All the same go for deletion if you feel they are that bad. Else assure her they are the best photos of your dearest aunt.

We survive because of such major minor tiffs.
 They are kept safely. I gazed at them for more than a while and felt really good. Glad we got 'em
 This is Lila. The pics showed  a tired old lady with a weary look  - not worthy to be seen by my  favourite  niece  at U S.
 Lalchaya, you know I observe people. My neighbor on one side is my mother's age. She spends her whole day gardening. Otherwise there's nothing for her to do with her day.
 Met another lady in her sixties... Was buying 10-20 books at some sale. Said these books will let her get past more than a month. She has nothing else to do.
I thought of my mother and Lilamama..
 They don't need to look at a day and wonder how to spend it.
 My mother said Lilamama is dealing with the pressures of 4 generations. We must support her as much as we can.
 But we don't realize is this is her legacy. She has set the bar high for the rest of us. God will bless her and give her strength.

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